
Roche CEO Severin Schwan k

Roche has been elected the most sustainable company in Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the tenth time in a row for “Medicine, Biotechnology and Life Sciences” industry. The index is based on the detailed analysis of the companies’ economic, social, and environmental performances, and it constitutes a criterion for the investors that consider sustainability as a factor in their portfolios.

Severin Schwan, CEO of Roche, said that they were very proud to have been elected as the leader in the field of sustainability for the tenth time, and went on, “Our most important contribution as Roche to the community is that we develop drugs and diagnostic tools that significantly improve the lives of people. Our open and constructive dialogue with other companies, universities, doctors, and patients plays an important role in our understanding the needs of our health sector stakeholders, hence, enables us to work together to present more target-oriented medical solutions more quickly.”

kahramankazan da geri kazanim seferberligiKahramankazan Municipality and ÇEVKO Foundation together have started the “Kahramankazan Municipality Packaging Waste Recycling Project.” Recycling bins were placed in various parts of the district to collect glass, metal, plastic, paper, cardboard, and composite waste packaging material. ÇEVKO Foundation will distribute informative flyers on the project to ensure the participation of the district folk.

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L’Oréal Turkey, a member of ÇEVKO Foundation has been organizing a worldwide Citizen Day since 2010. One day of the year employees come together to contribute to the community and the environment. And this year in Turkey the event took place on 19th September, Wednesday. In addition to the coastal cleaning, the employees put up shelters for stray animals.

The 185 employees of L’Oréal Turkey took a boat from İstanbul to Kınalıada and spent the first half of the day cleaning up in four different locations that had been determined beforehand. Those who cleaned the forest road and the coastline collected approximately 1 ton of garbage. In the afternoon the employees made shelters for the street animals, painted the shelters, and left food at the feding points for stray cats and dogs.

serik belediyesinden cevre projesiSerik Municipality started a project with the name “Packaging Waste Is Not Garbage, Must Be Recycled” in order to spread the concept of recycling and to increase environmental awareness. The Directorate Of Sanitation, together with ÇEVKO started to put “Waste Pet Bottle Collecting Containers” in different parts of Serik. These containers in the shape of a bottle have attracted the attention and admiration of the public.


loreal mikro siteL’Oréal continues to share with the public its targets regarding sustainability with its micro website 

L’Oréal’s Sustainability Programme Sharing Beauty With All, which was started in 2013, is an important part of the social responsibility approach of L’Oreal, and the aim is to create a positive impact on the community and environment all over the world.

This programme defines L’Oréal’s sustainability commitments under four headings: Sustainable Innovation, Sustainable Production, Sustainable Life, and Sustainable Development.

Global and Turkey results of L’Oreal sustainability reports, detailed information and figures can be reached at the website.

L’Oréal Global 2020 Sustainability Targets:
. 100% of the products will carry positive environmental and social properties.
. CO2 emission from factories and distribution centers will definitely be reduced by 60% compared to 2005.
. CO2 emission resulting from the transporting of the goods will be reduced by 20% compared to 2011.
. Water consumption for each sales product will be reduced by 60% compared to 2005.
. Waste rate for each sales product will be reduced by 60% compared to 2005.
. In communities with limited resources work will be provided for more than 100,000 people by 2020.

GUS.cevko webExtended Producer Responsibility (GÜS) is an effective model to fulfill the recycling targets in waste management. It enables the industry to contribute to the process financially and technically as well as in operations and communication. Here we will talk about ÇEVKO Foundation’s contributions to the reduction of greenhouse gases in order to combat the climate change with the GÜS model in recycling.

A substantial part of recyclable waste in terms of volume and weight comes from
. glass,
. metal,
. plastic,
. paper/cardboard,
. composite,
. wood

In order to explain the GÜS model in packaging waste management, it is necessary to take a look at the life cycle of the packaging (See: outline 1). In circular economy used packagings are collected from the consumers at the source and separately from other waste, and following the necessary procedures they are recycled to be used in the making of new products.

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The 30th Samsung Boğaziçi Intercontinental Swimming Competition organized by the Turkish Olympic Committee took place on 21st -22nd July with the participation of swimmers from 52 countries. The competition, which was elected “The World’s Best Open Water Swimming Organization” has been contributing to the promotion of İstanbul and Turkey for 30 years, and this year a total of 2,400 swimmers from home and abroad signed up for this important event from Asia to Europe starting at Kanlıca and ending at Kuruçeşme Cemil Topuzlu Park.

Thousands of sports fans watched the race in excitement and the packaging wastes were collected with the collaboration of ÇEVKO Foundation and the Beşiktaş Municipality. ÇEVKO also informed the athletes and the fans on recycling at its stand, drawing attention with a promotion “Bring your packaging waste, take away your cap.”

During the races, 240 kg of plastic, 280 kg of paper/cardboard, 20 kg of metal, and 60 kg of glass waste were collected. The environmental benefit as a result of the recycling of this waste was calculated as;

- 2835 kWh electricity saving
- 7 cubic meters of water saving
- gaining of 5 trees
- 0,4 tons of CO2 reduction (equal to the use of a car for 1493 km)

head shoulders serenay 2

Head&Shoulders organized a coastal cleaning activity in Kilyos in collaboration with ÇEVKO Foundation, CarrefourSa, and Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG) to draw attention to the combat with the pollution in our seas. Serenay Sarıkaya, the brand face of Head&Shoulders, also took part in the event.

Head&Shoulders had previously taken the first step towards environmental awareness by putting on sale at the CarrefourSA stores the “World’s First Recycled Shampoo Bottle” – a bottle of which 20% was made from plastic waste collected from the sea – while at the same time placing containers for collecting plastic waste at the CarrefourSA stores, the leading retail brand in Turkey.

P&G produces the bottles of half a million hair care products from recycled plastic every year; and aims to meet 20% of the production of shampoo bottles in Europe from recycled plastic waste by the end of 2018. Hence, more than 500 million bottles will be sent to recycling.

tofas fabrika

Tofaş has shared its 5th Sustainability Report with the public. For the first time this year the report has been published interactively, and gives all the shareholders the opportunity to examine and compare the company performance data since 2013. According to the report, Tofaş has provided an energy saving of 72,633 GJ and a water saving of 63 million cubic metres owing to the efficiency studies it carried out during that period.

The report also indicates that Tofaş has reserved 25 million TL of the 244 million TL spent on R&D expenses in 2017 on emission reduction projects, which resulted in a reduction of 5,918 tons of carbondioxide. As a result, Tofaş reduced the amount of greenhouse gas originating from production by 10,5% per vehicle compared to the previous year.

bakan yard kAccording to the Presidential Decrees in the Official Newspaper, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Birpınar, Fatma Varank, and Mücahit Demirtaş were assigned to their new positions.