The Green Dot Industrial Awards were given to the winners at a ceremony held on 29th November 2018. Alongside industrial organizations, media organizations that gave priority to news items informing the public and creating awareness of environment and recycling were also awarded.
Mete İmer, General Secretary of ÇEVKO Foundation pointed out that the Green Dot brand, which includes 540 million consumers in 31 countries, most of which are EU members, is among the most successful application models. He said, “Green Dot symbolizes the responsible producer and the respect and admiration the consumer shows towards responsibility. Our target is to award the organizations which provide the determined criteria at a high level with their works that go beyond their legal responsibilities, and to encourage launching firms to carry out similar works.”
At the award ceremony, which was held as a carbon neutral event, 7 industrial organizations won the Green Dot Industrial Award in 3 different categories, and 7 industrial organizations were given the Green Dot Incentive Award, while 6 media organizations received the Green Dot Press Award. Performer Zeliha Sunal won the Special Award for her contributions to the social information activities of ÇEVKO Foundation.
Organizations That Received the Green Dot Industrial Award
Sarten Ambalaj with its “20 lt New Plastic Drum Project (POAŞ), and Vestel with its project “Decreasing Styrofoam Weight and Density” won the Green Dot Industrial Award in the Prevention Practices in Packaging Design by Reducing Resources category.
Hidropar Movement Control Technologies Center with “HKTM Green Energy Technology Complex”, Mey İçki with “Alaşehir Rakı Factory Waste Reduction Studies”, Vestel with “ Vestel White Goods Waste Management System’ projects won the Green Dot Industrial Award in the Waste Management System and Applications category.
The winners in the Social Responsibility Practices on Environment category were Mey İçki with “Kayra Vintage Wines Product Carbon Footprint Calculation and Reduction” project, and Unilever with “Unilever Sustainable Tea Cultivation” project.
Winners of the Green Dot Incentive Award
In the category of Prevention Practices in Packaging Design by Reducing Resources the winners were: Doğadan Gıda with its project “Packaging from Nature (Doğa)”, Kaleseramik Çanakkale Kalebodur with its “Saving on Wooden Packaging” project, and Mondi Tire Kutsan Kağıt ve Ambalaj with the project “Chimney Stand.”
Ant Gıda with“Ant Foods (Fora) Waste Management” project, Kent Gıda with “Implementation of Simple Manufacturing Approach With Zero Waste in Waste Management” project, Pak Gıda with “Recycling;Regaining Future” project and Tetra Pak Turkey with “Waste Management Applications in Tetra Pak Turkey Operations” project won the Green Dot Incentive Award in the category of Waste Management System and Applications.
Green Dot Press Awards
In the newspaper category ‘Dünya’; in the television category NTV; in internet website,; in the news agency category İHA; in the magazine category ‘Para’; and in the radio category, Aslı Dede won an award with the “Green Child” program she presents on Radio Babyjoy Station.
The purpose of the Green Dot Industrial Awards is to inform the public of the sustainable recycling works of the Green Dot family members, who are increasing day by day not only in the world but also in our country.
The jury of the competition consisted of the representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization -Zero Waste Management Branch Office; ASD-Packaging Industry Association; Bosphorus University-Institute of Environmental Sciences; ÇEVKO-Foundation of Environmental Protection and Recycling Packaging Waste; EGD-Association of Economy Journalists; İSO-İstanbul Chamber of Industry; Environment and Energy Branch Office; SKD-Business and Sustainable Development Association; TOBB (Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges)-Packaging Assembly; Yeditepe University-Department of Industrial Products Design.