June 5th 1972 was announced by the United Nations as World Environment Day and since then has been celebrated worldwide for 46 years to increase environmental awareness. On this important day this year ÇEVKO Foundation participated in the events organized by a total of 52 municipalities including İstanbul and provided informative material on recycling, reaching more than 75 thousand consumers.
Herein we would like to share some of these activities with our readers.
Environmentalist Children of Yenimahalle Lecture Grown-Ups – June 3rd
Thousands of children filling up the Hasan Doğan Stadium drew attention to the importance of environment. During the event, the children together with their YENİMEK teachers had the time of their lives with activities like the art of ‘ebru’, doll-making workshop, fragrant stone art, and ceramic art. Kindergarten kids learned about the environment through games and fun.
The Mayor of Yenimahalle, Fethi Yaşar, also attended the festival and participated in the cloth bag painting activity with the children, later having photos taken with them.
World Environment Day at Esenyurt – June 4th
Esenyurt Municipality celebrated the World Environment Day this year with the slogan “Our Nature Asks Us A Favour” in various schools and town squares, informing the public in the process. ÇEVKO Information Team and the packaging waste mascots met up with the residents of Esenyurt on this special day. Mayor Ali Murat Alatepe also participated in the celebrations where the public and students were informed on environment and recycling.
Kadıköy Environment Festival – May 31st-June 3rd
Kadıköy Municipality organized the festival this year at the Söğütlüçeşme Freedom Park with the theme ‘Pollution and Biodiversity in the Marmara Sea’. The festival went on for 4 days and hosted 68 environmental organizations and 28 thousand visitors, non-government organizations, platforms and initiatives. Various activities and shows, music, theatre, dance, and competitions were the highlights of the festival.
ÇEVKO Foundation contributed to the festival by creating consciousness in the public. At the foundation’s stand there were cloth bag painting activities, and children also received educational books while ÇEVKO childrens’ theatre performed plays for the children.
The Çiğli Homa Fishgarth Sparkling Clean on Environment Day – June 5th 2018
Within the Environment Week, Çiğli Municipality started a widely participated coastal cleaning activity at the Çiğli Homa Crawl in order to draw attention to the environmental pollution in the world and in our country. The shores of the Homa Crawl at Sasalı were cleaned up with a team of 150 people including the mayor of Çiğli, Hasan Arslan, his wife Ergül Arslan, council members, students, voluntary groups, and citizens. ÇEVKO Foundation’s contribution to the cleaning up activity was giving information through ÇEVKİ, the environmentalist cat.